Why Purchase Replacement Outsoles or Insoles?
If your leather moccasins, or any shoe or boot for that matter, need some freshening up, a pair of new insoles or outsoles may do the trick. Your current footwear...
Thu, Jan 11, 18
How To Deal With Stinky Moccasins
Summer is here and although many love wearing their moccasins barefoot outside and in the house, some people may have started to notice that their feet or favorite shoes are...
Mon, Dec 11, 17
How To Care For Your Moccasins
Here's a couple practical items that will keep your new or used, timeless moccasins looking, feeling and smelling brand new. It is very important to keep your leather footwear and...
Mon, Dec 11, 17
How To Soften Leather
If you haven't lubricated your traditional leather moccasins regularly, or if they have been exposed to heat or UV rays, the leather may not be as soft as it once...
Sat, Jul 02, 16