What Is A Pow Wow?
The heart of any Pow Wow is the drum. It is its beat of the celebration in which all the dancers move to in order to honour Mother Earth during...
Sun, May 21, 17
Difference Between Driving Moccasins, Slippers & Shoes
Let's take a moment to clarify some terms in the moccasin world as there are several shoes that claim to be moccasins when in fact they are not. A moccasin...
Tue, Jan 10, 17
Vegetable Vs. Chemical Tanning
There are two main ways genuine leather is tanned and that is chemically, also known as chrome tanning, and vegetable tanning. A lot of people write to us about vegetable...
Tue, Dec 06, 16
Moccasins - A Timeless, Classic Shoe
Traditional moccasins are known as a timeless shoe because of their classic design that never goes out of style and the free-spirited historical culture they represent. Natural moccasins were worn...
Sun, Oct 23, 16